Books matching: tongue in cheek sort of humor
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Phule's Company by Robert Lynn Asprin is a lighthearted take on the military sci-fi genre, following a ragtag company of aliens and misfit humans lead by a trust fund kid with lofty ambitions. The story revolves around newly minted Captain Jester, a.k.a. Willard Phule, who finds himself in command of a group of rejects and no-goodniks on a backwater planet, Haskin's Planet. Despite the initial challenges, Phule sets out to turn this ragtag group into an effective and cohesive unit, with a humorous and tongue-in-cheek writing style that introduces quirky characters and incorporates Asprin's typical humor.
Some have commented that the executive mind tends to expand work to fill, or overfill, available time. While I will not attempt to comment on the overall accuracy of this statement, it was certainly t...
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