Books matching: serial murders of young women
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- #1
'2666' by Roberto Bolano is a sprawling epic that delves into the horrors of mass violence in the twentieth century, focusing on the serial murders of young women in Mexico's Ciudad Juárez, fictionalized as Santa Teresa in the novel. The book comprises five interconnected novellas, with the city serving as a central anchor that permeates the mood of the work. Through meticulous detail and profound lyricism, the novel meditates on violence, art, love, and abstract matters in a deeply human and pervasive manner, crafting a narrative that is both challenging and engrossing.
The book spans nearly a century, jumping between continents and characters while exploring themes of literary criticism, journalism, corruption, World War II, and the brutal murders of women in Santa Teresa. Bolano's writing style is described as precise, searing, and mordantly funny, with a core indictment of state institutions for their failure to protect vulnerable citizens. The narrative weaves together seemingly unrelated stories, creating a complex tapestry that offers a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of violence, art, and human experiences.
The first time that Jean-Claude Pelletier read Benno von Archimboldi was Christmas 1980, in Paris, when he was nineteen years old and studying German literature. The book in question was D'Arsonval. T...