Books matching: manipulation tactics
53 result(s)
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'Toxic Sludge Is Good for You: Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry' by John Stauber is an eye-opening exposé on the deceptive practices of the public relations industry. Through a collection of articles and case studies, the book delves into the dark underbelly of corporate greed and government manipulation, revealing how PR campaigns are used to misinform and manipulate the public. Stauber's writing style is described as enlightening, engaging, and thought-provoking, challenging readers to rethink the information they consume and question the narratives fed to them by powerful entities.
- #2
'Emotional Blackmail: When the People in Your Life Use Fear, Obligation, and Guilt to Manipulate You' by Donna Frazier and Susan Forward delves into the intricate dynamics of manipulation tactics such as fear, obligation, and guilt that are used by individuals to control and coerce others. provides insightful comments, practical advice, and extensive examples to help readers identify emotional blackmail early, establish boundaries, and effectively manage such toxic relationships. Written in an easy-to-understand style, the book offers clear explanations of the concept, variations of behavior involved, and ways to interact with others while addressing the root causes of emotional manipulation.
Emotional Blackmail explores the psychological impact of manipulation, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and responding to coercive behavior in a calm and persuasive manner. highlights the need to differentiate between allowing individuals to face the consequences of their actions and rescuing them from their own suffering, ultimately empowering readers to assert themselves and establish healthier relationships by setting boundaries and standing up against emotional blackmail.
The world of emotional blackmail is confusing. While some emotional blackmailers are clear in their threats, others may send us mixed signals, acting kindly much of the time and resorting to blackmail... 'Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men' by Lundy Bancroft delves into the various types of abusive behaviors exhibited by men, ranging from emotional abuse to physical violence. Bancroft categorizes abusers into different types such as the Drill Sergeant, Mr. Sensitive, The Victim, The Terrorist, The Player, Rambo, and more, shedding light on their manipulative and controlling tendencies. Through real-life examples and expert insights, the author helps readers identify the signs of abuse and understand the underlying thinking and rationalizations behind the abuser's behavior. is described as a guide for victims of abuse, providing clarity and validation for those who have experienced emotional manipulation and gaslighting.
THESE ARE THE WORDS of women who are describing their anxiety and inner conflict about their relationships. Each of these women knows that something is wrong—very wrong—but she can’t put her finger on...- #4
In "Tempt Me at Twilight" by Lisa Kleypas, the story revolves around Poppy Hathaway and Harry Rutledge. Poppy, a member of the eccentric Hathaway family, meets Harry at his hotel in London. Despite a rocky start, Harry becomes enamored with Poppy and orchestrates a situation to court and marry her. The book explores their evolving relationship, filled with misunderstandings, complications, and personal growth. The story also delves into the dynamics of the Hathaway family and sets the stage for future romances within the series.
The plot of "Tempt Me at Twilight" is filled with humor, quirky characters, and unexpected twists. Lisa Kleypas weaves a tale of love, second chances, and self-discovery against the backdrop of 19th-century London. The writing style combines sensuality, tenderness, and moments of suspense, creating a captivating narrative that keeps readers engaged till the end.
As soon as she caught her sister’s pet, Poppy swore she was going to alert the management of the Rutledge that Beatrix was harboring wild creatures in their family suite, which was definitely against ...
(Also, see 100 recommendations for the series The Hathaways ) - #5
"The Program: Inside the Mind of Keith Raniere and the Rise and Fall of Nxivm" by Toni Natalie provides a firsthand account of the author's experiences within the NXIVM cult. Natalie bravely shares her personal journey with Keith Raniere, detailing the manipulative tactics and horrors she faced while trying to expose the criminal activities of the cult. The writing style is straightforward, offering insights into the workings of a cult and the struggles of a survivor trying to seek justice against a psychopathic leader.
“Well, one of the smartest. His IQ is over 200. One of the highest ever measured. And he’s coming here, to Rochester.” He showed me the news clipping. The man in the photo was young, boyishly handsome... 'Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work' by Paul Babiak and Robert D. Hare delves into the world of psychopaths in corporate environments. It combines fictional storytelling with didactic explanations to provide insights on how psychopaths operate in the workplace, the dangers they pose, and strategies to identify and deal with them. is praised for its important content, even though some readers found the mix of fiction and non-fiction confusing. It sheds light on the characteristics of psychopaths, their manipulative tactics, and the impact they have on individuals and organizations.
Fred led the group to O’Hare’s tavern after work that night. He started a tab and ordered a round of drinks for everyone from the company. As more people arrived, there were cheers and high-fives as c...- #7
The Financier by Theodore Dreiser is a gripping tale set in late 19th century Philadelphia, chronicling the life of Frank Cowperwood, a ruthless businessman solely focused on amassing wealth. The story delves into Cowperwood's unethical dealings, which eventually lead to his imprisonment, and his subsequent resurgence in Chicago alongside his equally self-centered girlfriend, Aileen. Dreiser's writing style expertly weaves together elements of finance, corruption, and human nature, offering a captivating exploration of the darker side of ambition and greed in American society.
The Philadelphia into which Frank Algernon Cowperwood was born wasa city of two hundred and fifty thousand and more. It was set withhandsome parks, notable buildings, and crowded with historic memorie... - #8
'In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People' by George K. Simon Jr. is a straightforward and insightful guide that places the responsibility for abusive behavior on manipulative individuals. The book delves into the characteristics and tactics of manipulative people, offering practical advice on identifying and confronting them. Despite its dense writing style, readers find the book to be incredibly helpful in understanding manipulative behaviors and learning how to protect oneself from them.
Understanding the true character of manipulative people is the first step in dealing more effectively with them. In order to know what they're really like, we have to view them within an appropriate c... In Getting to Yes, the authors present, step by step, how to find your way to a win-win solution that helps meet your goals while preserving relationships. The book provides a rational and fact-based analysis of negotiation, focusing on respecting others and avoiding games. It is a well-structured, easy-to-follow guide that emphasizes the importance of applying negotiation skills in various aspects of life.
Thirty years have now passed since the initial publication of Getting to YES. We are delighted and humbled that so many people from so many places around the world continue to find it helpful in trans..."Raven: The Untold Story of the Rev. Jim Jones and His People" by Tim Reiterman delves into the life of Jim Jones, the leader of the Peoples Temple cult, and the tragic events that culminated in the Jonestown Massacre in 1978. Reiterman provides a detailed biography of Jones, exploring his upbringing, his manipulation of followers, and his descent into megalomania. The narrative not only covers the rise of Jones as a charismatic preacher but also delves into the social and political context of the time, shedding light on his socialist ideologies and the factors that drew people, especially minorities, to his cult.
is characterized by its thorough research and compassionate storytelling, offering a comprehensive account of the Jonestown tragedy. Reiterman's firsthand experience, having been shot during the events at Jonestown, adds a poignant and personal touch to the narrative. Through a mix of investigative journalism and historical analysis, the author paints a vivid picture of Jim Jones and the harrowing final moments of the Peoples Temple members, providing insights into the psychological manipulation and fear tactics employed by Jones.
There was more than the usual anticipation that spring as hardwood groves burst into green and plows cut ribbons across the sandy loam fields in east central Indiana. As in other years, the fertile fa...