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Books matching: magic in modern police work

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  1. #1

    Midnight Riot - Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch

    "Midnight Riot" in the series "Rivers of London" by Ben Aaronovitch follows the story of Peter Grant, a police constable in London, who unexpectedly becomes an apprentice wizard after encountering a ghost at a crime scene. Grant's new role leads him to work on solving supernatural crimes with Chief Inspector Nightingale, blending magic and modern police work in a parallel London where magic is real but hidden from most people. offers a mix of contemporary London life, magical elements, and a touch of humor, creating an engaging and unique urban fantasy setting.

    IT STARTED at one thirty on a cold Tuesday morning in January when Martin Turner, street performer and, in his own words, apprentice gigolo, tripped over a body in front of the West Portico of St. Pau...

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