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Books matching: george westinghouse

3 result(s)

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  1. #1

    The Last Days of Night by Graham Moore

    'The Last Days of Night' by Graham Moore is a historical fiction novel that delves into the patent war between Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse over the invention of the light bulb and the battle between AC and DC current. The story follows young attorney Paul Cravath as he navigates the legal challenges and personal relationships involved in this high-stakes feud. With a focus on the historical events and the interactions between real-life figures like Nikola Tesla, the book presents a thrilling narrative that blends fact with fiction, providing a detailed insight into the early days of the electrical age.

    The immolation occurred late on a Friday morning. The lunchtime bustle was picking up as Paul descended from his office building onto the crowded street. He cut an imposing figure against the flow of ...

  2. #2

    Tesla: Man Out of Time by Margaret Cheney

    'Tesla: Man Out of Time' by Margaret Cheney is a biography that delves into the life of Nikola Tesla, the Serbian American electrical experimenter and inventor. The book covers Tesla's brilliant genius, his staggering array of inventions, and his contributions to the development of polyphase alternating current. Cheney's writing style is described as thorough and emotional, providing a detailed look into Tesla's achievements, ideas, and personal life. The biography also sheds light on Tesla's interactions with prominent figures like J.P. Morgan, George Westinghouse, and Thomas Edison, highlighting the controversies and innovations surrounding Tesla's work.

    Promptly at eight o’clock a patrician figure in his thirties was shown to his regular table in the Palm Room of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Tall and slender, elegantly attired, he was the cynosure of a...

  3. Empires of Light: Edison, Tesla, Westinghouse, and the Race to Electrify the World by Jill Jonnes is a fascinating historical account chronicling the early days of electricity and the key players involved in its development. The book delves into the competition and innovation sparked by Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, and George Westinghouse as they vied to electrify the world. Written in a light and engaging style, the narrative provides insights into the personal and professional lives of these pioneers, their differing approaches to electricity, and the impact of their inventions on society.

    In the late spring of 1882, Thomas Alva Edison, world famous as the folksy genius who had invented the improved telegraph and telephone, the amazing talking phonograph, and the incandescent light bulb...

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