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Books matching: early 20th century florida

2 result(s)

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  1. #1

    Killing Mister Watson - Shadow Country by Peter Matthiessen

    Killing Mister Watson is a compelling fictionalized account of the killing of historical figure Edgar Watson in the turn of the 20th century Everglades. The story is told from multiple perspectives, shedding light on prejudices in the South during that time period. The book explores the character of Watson and those who turned against him, providing insight into the challenges faced by settlers in the dangerous environment of the Florida Everglades.

    The narrative of Killing Mister Watson is structured through various voices, each chapter being related by a different narrator, offering a depth and complexity to the story. The book delves into the cultural aspects of the gulf coast of south central Florida, portraying an atmospheric and ambiguous account of historical events surrounding Watson's life and the mysteries of his character.

    Sea birds are aloft again, a tattered few. The white terns look dirtied in the somber light and they fly stiffly, feeling out an element they no longer trust. Unable to locate the storm-lost minnows, ...

  2. #2

    Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

    'Their Eyes Were Watching God' by Zora Neale Hurston is a classic novel that follows the life of Janie Mae Crawford, a black woman living in Florida before World War II. The story delves into Janie's journey of self-discovery, independence, and love through three marriages. The narrative is rich in black vernacular, providing a realistic portrayal of the characters' lives and struggles in early 20th-century America.

    The book explores themes of love, independence, race, and gender, offering a poignant reflection on the societal norms and expectations that Janie navigates throughout her life. Through Hurston's poetic prose and vivid imagery, readers are taken on a compelling journey alongside Janie as she strives to assert her identity and find her place in the world.

    Ships at a distance have every man’s wish on board. For some they come in with the tide. For others they sail forever on the horizon, never out of sight, never landing until the Watcher turns his eyes...

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