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Books matching: diverse characters with symbolic representation

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    Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon

    "Gravity's Rainbow" by Thomas Pynchon is a complex and dense novel set in Europe at the end of World War II, focusing on the design, production, and dispatch of V 2 rockets by the German military. The story revolves around the quest of various characters to uncover the secret of a mysterious device named the Schwarzgerät, which is to be installed in a rocket with the serial number 00000. Pynchon's writing style is frequently digressive, subverting traditional elements of plot and character development, and incorporating detailed knowledge from various disciplines.

    The novel is known for its innovation and complexity, often praised for pushing the boundaries of postmodern writing. However, some readers find the book challenging due to the multitude of characters, intricate plotlines, and the author's tendency to jump about seemingly at random. Despite its challenging nature, "Gravity's Rainbow" is recognized for its poetic and beautiful moments, as well as its exploration of themes related to the quest for being and the breaking down of social constructions.

    It is too late. The Evacuation still proceeds, but it's all theatre. There are no lights inside the cars. No light anywhere. Above him lift girders old as an iron queen, and glass somewhere far above ...

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