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Books matching: defect and share information

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  1. #1

    Our Kind of Traitor by John le Carré

    'Our Kind of Traitor' by John le Carre is a spy thriller that follows a young couple, Perry and Gail, who get caught up in a web of power, money, violence, and corruption when they meet a Russian money launderer named Dima in Antigua. Dima wants to defect and share information with British Intelligence about British politicians in exchange for protection for his family. The novel is praised for its well-developed characters, tense plot, and a critical view of international politics and big business. The story unfolds with intrigue and betrayal at high levels, leaving readers with more questions than answers at the end, which is a signature of John le Carre's writing style.

    At seven o’clock of a Caribbean morning, on the island of Antigua, one Peregrine Makepiece, otherwise known as Perry, an all-round amateur athlete of distinction and until recently tutor in English li...

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