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Books matching: comedic military science fiction

3 result(s)

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  1. #1

    Phule's Company - Phule's Company by Robert Lynn Asprin

    Phule's Company by Robert Lynn Asprin is a lighthearted take on the military sci-fi genre, following a ragtag company of aliens and misfit humans lead by a trust fund kid with lofty ambitions. The story revolves around newly minted Captain Jester, a.k.a. Willard Phule, who finds himself in command of a group of rejects and no-goodniks on a backwater planet, Haskin's Planet. Despite the initial challenges, Phule sets out to turn this ragtag group into an effective and cohesive unit, with a humorous and tongue-in-cheek writing style that introduces quirky characters and incorporates Asprin's typical humor.

    Some have commented that the executive mind tends to expand work to fill, or overfill, available time. While I will not attempt to comment on the overall accuracy of this statement, it was certainly t...

  2. #2

    The Warrior's Apprentice - Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold

    'The Warrior's Apprentice' in the 'Vorkosigan Saga' introduces readers to the young Miles Vorkosigan, a teenage hero who relies on his wits rather than his physical abilities. Born malformed on a world that shuns physical irregularity, Miles sees service in the Barrayaran military as a way to prove himself. After failing to enter the Barrayaran Imperial Service Academy due to his physical limitations, Miles embarks on a series of adventures that lead him to pose as a mercenary leader, unintentionally building a mercenary fleet. The book follows Miles as he navigates complex situations, tells escalating lies, and unravels a conspiracy against him and his family, all while showcasing Bujold's deft combination of humor, action, and suspense.

    The writing style in 'The Warrior's Apprentice' is described as fast-paced, character-driven, and engaging, with moments of touching insight into human nature. The plot is lauded for its humor, action, and suspense, with a smart yet vulnerable protagonist, Miles Vorkosigan, who learns from his mistakes. Despite some coincidences that strain credulity, the book is praised for its ability to keep readers engaged and entertained throughout the story.

    The tall and dour non-com wore Imperial dress greens and carried his communications panel like a field marshal’s baton. He slapped it absently against his thigh and raked the group of young men before...

    (Also, see 100 recommendations for the series Vorkosigan Saga )

  3. #3
    Valor's Choice
    Book 1 in the series:Confederation

    Valor's Choice - Confederation by Tanya Huff

    Valor's Choice is a military science fiction novel that follows Staff Sergeant Torin Kerr as she leads a platoon on a diplomatic mission to recruit a new planet into the Confederation. The book is praised for its humorous touch, realistic portrayal of soldiers, and the constant action that keeps the plot moving forward. The story revolves around the battle-hardened troops forming an honor guard to impress a new alien race, the Silsviss, into joining the Confederation, but things take a deadly turn, leaving Torin to manage diplomats, a new second lieutenant, and territorial Silsviss adolescents.

    Reveillie was not the best thing to have reverberating through one’s skull after a night of too much and too little in various combinations. Making a mental note to change the program to something les...

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