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  1. #1

    Waco: A Survivor's Story by David Thibodeau, Leon Whiteson

    'Waco: A Survivor's Story' by David Thibodeau and Leon Whiteson provides a first-hand account of the tragic events that unfolded during the Waco siege. It delves into the actions of the ATF and FBI, portraying them as acting like fascists with poor intelligence and command, resulting in the deaths of innocent people, including children. The narrative offers an interesting testimony of life inside the compound and sheds light on the grossness of the authorities' actions as well as David Koresh's questionable leadership.

    Thibodeau's narrative explores the complexities of life within the cult, showcasing both the good and the bad aspects. offers insights into the events leading up to the siege, the siege itself, and the aftermath, highlighting the impact of beliefs on individuals' worldviews and morality. It presents a raw and powerful account of survival, while also acknowledging the importance of consulting other sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Waco tragedy.

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