'The Shockwave Rider' by John Brunner is a science fiction novel set in a future world dominated by data and rapid technological advancements. The book follows Nickie Haflinger, a fugitive from a secret government agency who possesses the ability to manipulate and hack data in a society where privacy is extremely limited. As Nickie navigates through this highly connected world, he becomes a threat to the government and society as a whole. The novel explores themes of government conspiracy, societal control, and the impact of technology on individuals' lives. Brunner's writing style includes interspersing dialogue and discussions on topics like the consequences of pursuing knowledge without wisdom, creating a vivid and thought-provoking narrative.
Tropes/Plot Devices:
Sensitive Topics/Content Warnings
Content warnings include themes of government surveillance, mental health struggles, and societal control which may be distressing for some readers.
From The Publisher:
He was the most dangerous fugitive alive, but he didn't exist!
Nickie Haflinger had lived a score of lifetimes . . . but technically he didn't exist. He was a fugitive from Tarnover, the high-powered government think tank that had educated him. First he had broken his identity code-then he escaped.
Now he had to find a way to restore sanity and personal freedom to the computerized masses and to save a world tottering on the brink of disaster. He didn't care how he did it-but the government did. That's when his Tarnover teachers got him back in their labs . . . and Nickie Haflinger was set up for a whole new education.
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