'The Necromancer's House' by Christopher Buehlman follows the story of Andrew Blankenship, an eccentric recovering alcoholic who is a wizard specializing in communicating with the dead through film. The plot is described as meandering and stream of consciousness at first, with Andrew hiding in his titular house filled with old books and booby traps. As the story unfolds, it reveals a mix of magic and technology, including unique uses of spells and the ability to cast magic through the internet. The book delves into Andrew's struggles with addiction, his relationships with other witches, and encounters with villains and monsters, creating a complex and intriguing narrative.
The writing style of 'The Necromancer's House' is praised for its unique and masterful storytelling that combines elements of horror, suspense, and fantasy. The book is commended for its powerful and believable characters, frightening magic, and emotional depth, offering a surprising and engaging read that blends humor, wit, and terrifying scenes. The author, Christopher Buehlman, is lauded for his ability to craft a solid and coherent novel that is both creepy and original, making the book a compelling and highly recommended read.
Tropes/Plot Devices:
Sensitive Topics/Content Warnings
The book includes themes of addiction, graphic violence, and horror elements that may be distressing for some readers.
Has Romance?
There are romantic undertones primarily focused on the relationship between Andrew and Sal, adding depth to the character dynamics.
From The Publisher:
"You think you got away with something, don't you? But your time has run out. We know where you are. And we are coming."
Andrew Ranulf Blankenship is a stylish nonconformist with wry wit, a classic Mustang, and a massive library. He's also a recovering alcoholic and a practicing warlock. His house is a maze of sorcerous booby traps and escape tunnels, as yours might be if you were sitting on a treasury of Russian magic stolen from the Soviet Union thirty years ago.
Andrew has long known that magic is a brutal game requiring blood sacrifice and a willingness to confront death, but years of peace and comfort have left him more concerned with maintaining false youth than with seeing to his own defense. Now a monster straight from the pages of Russian folklore is coming for him, and frost and death are coming with her.
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About the Author:
Christopher Buehlman is the winner of the 2007 Bridport Prize for Poetry and the author of The Lesser Dead, Between Two Fires and Those Across the River, and several plays. He spends half the year in St. Petersburg, Florida, and the rest on the road
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