"Stone Mad" in the series "Karen Memory" by Elizabeth Bear is a sequel that follows Karen and Priya as they navigate a new phase in their relationship while dealing with mysterious and dangerous occurrences at a local hotel. The story is a mix of steampunk, fantasy, and paranormal elements set in a Wild West backdrop. The narrative is focused on the dynamics between the characters, particularly Karen and Priya, as they face challenges and work towards understanding each other better amidst the unfolding events. The writing style is described as having a distinctive voice through Karen's narration, offering a blend of action, mystery, and relationship development.
Tropes/Plot Devices:
Sensitive Topics/Content Warnings
The book includes themes of confrontation, relationship tension, and perilous situations which may be unsettling for some readers.
Has Romance?
The romance between Karen and Priya is a central focus of the novella, highlighting their connection and challenges.
From The Publisher:
Readers met the irrepressible Karen Memory in Elizabeth Bear's 2015 novel Karen Memory, and fell in love with her steampunk Victorian Pacific Northwest city, and her down-to-earth story-telling voice.
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Now Karen is back with Stone Mad, a new story about spiritualists, magicians, con-men, and an angry lost tommy-knocker-a magical creature who generally lives in the deep gold mines of Alaska, but has been kidnapped and brought to Rapid City.
Karen and Priya are out for a night on the town, celebrating the purchase of their own little ranch and Karen's retirement from the Hotel Ma Cherie, when they meet the Arcadia Sisters, spiritualists who unexpectedly stir up the tommy-knocker in the basement. The ensuing show could bring down the house, if Karen didn't rush in to rescue everyone she can.
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Stone Mad?
About the Author:
ELIZABETH BEAR was the recipient of the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer in 2005. She has won two Hugo Awards for her short fiction, a Sturgeon Award, and the Locus Award for Best First Novel. She is the author of many novels, including Karen Memory and The Eternal Sky series. Bear lives in South Hadley, Massachusetts, with her husband, novelist Scott Lynch.
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