Software by Rudy Rucker is a gritty, gripping science fiction novel that explores cyberpunk themes in a retro Pulp or early Golden Age format. The story is set in a future world where robots have rebelled against their enslavement to humanity and offer immortality to their creator, Cobb Anderson, in the form of a robot body with his own taped memories. The plot follows Cobb Anderson, an aging 'pheezer' in Florida, as he is approached by a representative of the robots, known as boppers, with the offer of immortality. The book delves into themes of sentient robots, old age, and the transmigration of the soul, presenting interesting science fiction concepts alongside bits of lurid imagery and unsubtle social commentary.
A computer disguised in an ice cream truck, a party animal teenager, and a retired drunkard are the unlikely heroes in this near-future setting. The tone of the book is described as funny, fresh, and original, providing a quick, fun read with good characters and a unique take on the transition from human to robotic bodies.
Tropes/Plot Devices:
Sensitive Topics/Content Warnings
There are themes of drug use, existential dread, and complex philosophical questions that may be challenging for some readers, qualifying it as a medium level of content warning.
From The Publisher:
It was Cobb Anderson who built the "boppers"-the first robots with real brains. Now, in 2020, Cobb is just another aged "pheezer" with a bad heart, drinking and grooving an the old tunes in Florida retirement hell. His "bops" have came a long way, though, rebelling against their subjugation to set up their own society an the moon. And now they're offering creator Cobb immortality but at a stiff price: his body his soul ... and his world.It was Cobb Anderson who built the "boppers"-the first robots with real brains. Now, in 2020, Cobb is just another aged pheezer with a bad heart, drinking and grooving on the old tunes in Florida retirement hell. His "bops" have come a long way, though, rebelling against their subjugation to set up their own society on the moon. And now they re offering creator Cobb immortality, but at a stiff price: his body, his soul. . .and his world.
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